And the Winners of the L³ Blog Giveaway Are…

photo courtesy catsofinstagram

photo courtesy catsofinstagram

This post is coming a lot later than I initially anticipated but you know what it’s like when chores need to get done.  They seem to grow into ugly monsters that stare you in the face until you strike out with the powers of Mr Clean and some good ole laundry detergent. With arm muscles ready to be worked, I spent hours upon hours cleaning until I could officially declare myself victor over the mess that was once known to be a house.

But I’m here now, on the birthday of my luminous blog, with the giveaway results.

And the lucky gals are:

  •  Jessie Garcia-Pacheco

  • Princess Morris

  • Chymere A.


Congrats girls!

These books are going to be given away on a 1st come 1st served basis okay.

All you need to do now is contact me with your full names & the addresses you’d like me to deliver the books to, and it will be on its way to you as soon as possible.

You’ve got another 48 hours to give me a shout with these details…so don’t take too long 🙂

I’m sorry if I disappointed anyone else though. I wish wish wish I had more books to give away. But I’ve been so inspired by this experience that I’m thinking of another, bigger giveaway in the next few months. That way, more people can be blessed 🙂

You guys made my birthday week awesome!

Stay lush & luminous

L³ Blog Birthday Giveaway -The Fat Lady Has Sung

fat lady

This past week has been such a success for the L³ Blog thanks to you guys.

Your comments on the blog giveaway have been such a joy to read on a daily basis and I loved connecting with some of you guys.

It’s amazing to me that in all of the comments I’ve read it’s the little things that count. Whether it’s getting in a good work out, sipping some tea or being with the kids, these are the things that matter most to you guys.

And I absolutely love that!

If I had to answer my own question, the thing that makes my life most lush will undoubtedly be spending time with my family. That’s because I don’t spend enough time back home in Trinidad, so any spare chance I get to fly over the Atlantic to see my mom, dad & sister is always worthwhile to me. They make me happy.

But unfortunately, all the enjoyable comments have come to an end here.

The fat lady has finally sung.

The 1st ever L³ Blog Birthday Giveaway has come to an end.

But I’ve enjoyed doing this giveaway so much that I’m already thinking about doing another one in the coming months. I’m still thinking about what gifts I should bestow on you awesome people.

Nevertheless, I want to thank everyone of you for liking, commenting, appreciating, supporting and being a part of history.

I will be back bright and early tomorrow, the 12th February, letting you know who the 3 lucky winners will be.

Hope you guys had a great weekend enjoying the things that you love…

The L³ Blog Giveaway is Officially Open



Today is a great day!  We should actually aim to have great days every day but today is especially great. Why is it so significant? Well, not only is it MY BIRTHDAY, it’s the official opening of my first ever blog giveaway.

You see these 3 lovely books below?

dale books

They’re just waiting to be read. They’re waiting to be owned by 3 wonderful individuals on diverse paths of self discovery. They’re meant for those who seek knowledge, those who seek change, and desire extra doses of inspiration to get them living their best possible lives on a daily basis. They’re waiting to be touched by hands that actually want to read them. So without further ado, if you’re a competitive spirit and enjoy a good challenge, here’s what you’re going to have to do to get your paws on these goodies.


I’ve kept them very sweet & very simple:

1)  Comment on this post stating the one thing that brings the most joy to your life & why – it can be anything; activities, people, things…I’m not fussed.

2) Bonus entries are awarded for those who like L³ Facebook page here, follow me on twitter (@MochaBella1) or blog/pingback about the giveaway on their own sites.

3) A word to the wise: creativity is encouraged but profanity & vulgarity are discouraged


This blog giveaway is going to last as of this moment until the 11th of February okay. Mark it on your calendars! Once it ends on the 11th, I’ll be announcing the winners on the 12th of February via this blog because that date is L³ blog’s 1st anniversary (you like what I did there, syncing my birthday to the blog’s? Hehe…lame!).

Once the winners are announced here, they’re going to have to respond within 48 HOURS by emailing me their names & postal addresses so that I can deliver these gifts in quick time. If the 48 hours have passed & winners don’t respond, these gifts will automatically be awarded to new individuals. So keep those eyes open.

And don’t forget to spread the word…everyone deserves a chance.




‘Tis Not Life – A Wake Up Call For Those Who Are Just Surviving

Let Me Tell You a Story

I recently had a talk with one of my friends about his grandmother. He informed me that he was being guilt tripped by his parents into seeing one of his grandmothers – the sick grandmother. She has been a widow since Christmas Day 2012, and lives alone in a home for the aged, a home that she once shared with her husband. In addition to this, she also seems to have dementia. She speaks of family members of her past that she can hardly remember and is barely active during the day. He felt guilt tripped because it wasn’t in his heart to go – he hated being in such a depressing atmosphere, and never enjoyed being around her because of her condition. He rather turn a blind eye and stay away instead of being present in the moment and accepting of the fact that his grandmother will never be as she used to be, ever again. She was surviving; not living – and he couldn’t take that.

When I heard this I became defensive of his grandmother, almost instinctively. I told him to stop being so selfish, suck it up & go see his grandmother because not only has she lost her husband and is grieving, she’s living alone in the midst of her grief. ‘It isn’t always about you’, I said. Then, for a dash of impactful retrospection I asked, ‘What if that were you or your wife? Would you rather your children put you into a home because they made a conscious choice – a well thought out decision – not to take care of you themselves?  How would living there make you feel’?  I proclaimed that she still needed to know that he cared.

But what he divulged to me, after my sudden outburst, was shocking. He said that if it were him, he would rather someone put a pillow over his face till he stopped breathing because TIS NOT LIFE! I thought to myself, ‘You’d rather die’? He would rather die than live a life he could not really participate in & enjoy. I understood his opinion but the nanoseconds after his exclamation, so many questions were crossing my mind. Is it fair to give up on life, yourself & those closest to you, in the face of adversity like that? What if there is more that you can teach & show others despite your condition? Can’t one have a disease, an ailment, a disability & still find the power & strength to be positive & hold your head up high through it all? Why give up? But the main question that I kept coming back to was, are we using our able bodies to live our best lives everyday just in-case our futures were to take a negative turn?

The Future

No one knows what the future holds. We all dream of bold, bright, luminous futures where we can change the world – or just our immediate environment, using our God-given talents & skills. Those futuristic dreams are totally worth it! But what if, as with all things in life, change happens? We can develop some kind of ailment. We can be irrevocably hurt by an accident of some sort. Our parents can become dependent on us as they get older. We can suffer from strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer…and so many other things. I know it sounds depressing, and no one likes talking about the possibility of a bleak future, but let’s talk about it. It’s reality! We have absolutely no idea how our futures will turn out so why do we put so much emphasis on it?  

Jonathan Safran Foer of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close  questions, “Why didn’t I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.”

George Harrison also declares “It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one”.



Are you embracing & appreciating the full life that you have been given?

There is Always Room for Change

If you answer this question truthfully, you will undoubtedly identify the areas where you know you can do better.

Do you find it hard to make time for the needs of your family because you’re too busy working or doing things outside of the home?  – then you aren’t embracing and appreciating the full life that you have been given. Cherish and protect these individuals with your life!

Do you find yourself saying no to the good things and people in life out of fear or anxiety? – then you are not embracing & appreciating the full like that you have been given. Open your arms and say yes more!

Do you desire to travel beyond the boundaries of your country but have chosen against it because you have no money…you have no one to go with you…you’re afraid that you’ll be kidnapped and sent into sex slavery? (The movie ‘Taken’ has seriously brainwashed some members of my family) – then you are not embracing & appreciating the full life that you have been given. Don’t let blocked doors stop you. Get out there and see the world!

Do you have a dream? A dream that you wish to fulfil but you aren’t working towards it as hard as you know you should? – then you aren’t embracing and appreciating the full life you have been given. Whether it’s as simple as passing University exams and graduating with a degree, or as complex as launching a designer fashion label, you are worth your dream.

An Excellent Example of Being Human

The genius motivator & life coach, Tony Robbins, once declared “Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”

So be grateful for the life that you live now. Embrace & appreciate every single aspect of it. Don’t waste time. Focus on today and take massive, determined actions towards creating the life that you aspire to live. A life filled with people who you love, & who love you in return, a life filled with goal reaching and target busting, a life filled with fun and enjoyment, a life filled with stories and tales you wish to tell your future offspring or grandchildren. Live a life that you can be proud of because the future is not ours to control. After all, we usually regret the things that we don’t do instead of the things that we actually do in life.

Carpe Diem!

I Bet You’re Curious To Know What The L³ Giveaway Prize Is…

It’s a glorious day today!

Today, I get to warm your hearts and tease your eyes with the giveaway goodies that THREE lucky people in this world will receive.

Yes, I did highlight and underline the word THREE.

I thought about it a great deal and figured, why should I bless one person when I have the capacity to bless three?! This is because, I’m not giving away just one prize…I’m giving away (you guessed it…) three prizes!

[If you’re confused and have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, click here for the previous post where I announced a blog birthday future giveaway.]

As an avid reader and lover of all things literature, I figured that a book giveaway would be the ideal way to launch the beginning of L³ giveaways.

I wanted you to receive books that inspired you and taught you to live better lives.

I wanted you motivated, empowered and self-confident.

With every page turned, I wanted you to feel even more aware of yourself and the life that you aspire to have. 

I wanted you to be educated and changed for the better. 

And I knew just the man for the job!

He was a highly acclaimed American writer, professor and the founder of courses such as salesmanship, public speaking, self-improvement and interactive skills. He loved teaching others to climb the pillars of success. His valuable and tested advice was used in many domains and has been the inspiration of many famous people’s success. His books included ‘How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job’, ‘The Leader In You’ and ‘Public Speaking for Success’ (Bio courtesy Famous Authors). 

Have you guessed who it is by now?

That’s right! Dale Carnegie.  

Three lucky winners will each receive one of his linguistic masterpieces between the three books portrayed below:

dale carnegie 1

dale carnegie 3

dale carnegie 2

So hurry! Tell your family members, tell your friends, share it on your social media…I want these books to be seen by the right people. The people who crave change and empowerment, and who need it the most.

The giveaway officially starts on February 5th (My Birthday) when I post the competition rules & regulations, and it ends on February 11. That way, on February 12th (My Blog Birthday), I’ll be able to announce the three lucky winners.

Have an awesome weekend 🙂