I Bet You’re Curious To Know What The L³ Giveaway Prize Is…

It’s a glorious day today!

Today, I get to warm your hearts and tease your eyes with the giveaway goodies that THREE lucky people in this world will receive.

Yes, I did highlight and underline the word THREE.

I thought about it a great deal and figured, why should I bless one person when I have the capacity to bless three?! This is because, I’m not giving away just one prize…I’m giving away (you guessed it…) three prizes!

[If you’re confused and have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, click here for the previous post where I announced a blog birthday future giveaway.]

As an avid reader and lover of all things literature, I figured that a book giveaway would be the ideal way to launch the beginning of L³ giveaways.

I wanted you to receive books that inspired you and taught you to live better lives.

I wanted you motivated, empowered and self-confident.

With every page turned, I wanted you to feel even more aware of yourself and the life that you aspire to have. 

I wanted you to be educated and changed for the better. 

And I knew just the man for the job!

He was a highly acclaimed American writer, professor and the founder of courses such as salesmanship, public speaking, self-improvement and interactive skills. He loved teaching others to climb the pillars of success. His valuable and tested advice was used in many domains and has been the inspiration of many famous people’s success. His books included ‘How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job’, ‘The Leader In You’ and ‘Public Speaking for Success’ (Bio courtesy Famous Authors). 

Have you guessed who it is by now?

That’s right! Dale Carnegie.  

Three lucky winners will each receive one of his linguistic masterpieces between the three books portrayed below:

dale carnegie 1

dale carnegie 3

dale carnegie 2

So hurry! Tell your family members, tell your friends, share it on your social media…I want these books to be seen by the right people. The people who crave change and empowerment, and who need it the most.

The giveaway officially starts on February 5th (My Birthday) when I post the competition rules & regulations, and it ends on February 11. That way, on February 12th (My Blog Birthday), I’ll be able to announce the three lucky winners.

Have an awesome weekend 🙂